Monday, October 11, 2010

The Impact of Open Source Education

The Impact of Open Source Education
Lisa A. Frey
Walden University
Instructor:  Deanna Romano
EDUC-6135-1 Distance Learning

For this module of the Course Project I addressed URLS for beginning distance learners and URLS specifically for Scenario 3, Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol, a compilation of systems, including Bloom’s Taxonomy, which assists teachers in planning lessons for English Language Development.  This would help distance learners keep focused on the APA style.  Tip:  Check your work using APA standards.
UC Berkeley Extension Online/Online Courses/Distance Learning. Helps the learner with courses designed for the corporate world, personal growth and development, and in the professional world.  Tip:  Questionnaire – is Distance Learning really for you?  Guide to over 250 courses from such universities as Yale and Stanford Universities.  Tip:  Accessible by iPad, iPhone and YouTube.  It takes a while to download these applications but the classes are top quality and free!  Dale Carnegie is a company that was developed to help people become successful in the corporate world.  Tip:  Used to emphasize personal confidence and sales/leadership techniques.  Now they include community building and even have affirmations set to a student by such “apps” as Blackberry.  Students and teachers can research many things about National Parks in the United States.  Tip:  For the K-12 teacher.  This gives you access to everything from the bats in Carlsbad Caverns to the Colorado River’s erosion of the Grand Canyon.  The website is simple in design but easily accessible and addresses not only locations but distance learning within those parks.  (My home state of South Dakota includes the Badlands.  I don’t have to leave Southern California to go home!
Following are specific URLS to websites for my Course Project for SIOP (, which is a compilation of both learning theories and specific  tasks created from Blooms Taxonomy for making lesson plans that include both content and learning objectives that further assist English Language Learners access course material:  Lewis and Clark University occasionally provides community courses geared to for SIOP training. from California State University Long Beach.  This site offers kits for teaching about SIOP as well as instruction from UCLB.  I visit this site for ideas for planning SIOP lessons.