Monday, October 25, 2010

Walden University Application 7 Converting to Distance Learning Format

 Converting to a Distance Learning Format

Summary - I chose to create a scenario where the trainer emphasizes the benefits of a blended course format where podcasts and trainings are viewed at the leisure of the trainee, where training materials are both in paper and on-line, with interactive tables of contents, and where facilitated collaborative discussions can assist in the communications between trainers and trainees and between trainees themselves.
v  Preplanning Strategies
§  Determine Cost Effectiveness
§  Assess Trainee Learning Styles
§  Story Board
§  Select Technology to Use
§  Pre Plan Study Guides and Handouts
¨      Maintain Current Booklets and Study Guides
§  Scan into Course with Interactive Tables of Contents
§  Select a Course Management System
§  Create Syllabus and Calendar
¨      Maintain Current Face-to-Face Training Dates
¨      Blend Distance and Face-to-Face Syllabus
¨      Determine Assessment/Evaluations
v  Create Training Areas to Enhance
§  Convert Existing Handouts
§  Discussion Forums
§  Use Podcasts
§  Use Interactive Training
§  Use Intreractive Evaluation
v  New Distance Ed Trainer Roles
§  Facilitator
§  Evalutor
§  Discussion Leader
§  Occasional Face-to-Face Trainer
v  Encourage Participants
§  Benefits of Interactive Training
§  Benefits of Use Archived Training
§  Benefits of Collaborative Learning
§  Benefits of Facilitated Discussions